Ailsa Craig overnight. 22nd/23rd June 2022.

Trip report: 22nd/23rd June 2022, written by Luke. Do you like to explore? Can you sit in a kayak for 5 hours? We did and could! and so we paddled to Ailsa Craig for the simple reason of wanting to adventure. 4 paddlers, a good weather window, lots of gear and camping bits, a plan was made and put into practice. One of us forgot our tent pegs, one of us forgot our coffee, one of us forgot to put on sunscreen, but we made it there and back. This is a write up of our 2 day peer paddle to camp on Ailsa Craig. There should have been 6 of us but 2 had to cancel. That left Gavin, Rhodri, Andrew and myself to go. Rhodri heading home and a salute to the Craig. Ailsa Craig sits like some massive guardian in the Clyde, 22km due south from Kildonan. Often shrouded in cloud, exposed to big southern seas and westerly winds it has stood since the volcano that made it erupted and eroded, leaving the island we know still standing, the lava plug. Tens of thousands of years of blown dirt, bird poo ...